Saturday, September 29, 2007


Man the amount of amusement never ceases thanks to the overzealous efforts by neoconservative assclowns such as the fake plastic whore Pamela Gellar of Atlas Shrugged fame (I refuse to link to that God-forsaken site), but this attempt is a whole another level. MuslimsAgainstShariah recently entered the game out of nowhere earlier this month and lately have been generating some buzz for their utter stupidity. Their Manifesto is so hilarious and absurd that one can't help but to think that it's a ploy by them to seed more discontent for their malicious ends. Here's some tidbits to make you chuckle:

The Crusades vs. The Inquisition
While the Inquisition was a repulsive practice by Christian Fundamentalists, the Crusades were not unprovoked acts of aggression, but rather attempts to recapture formerly Christian lands controlled by Muslims.

Denying that the Crusades was provoked, and justifying the Crusades? Sorry not even the most secularist Muslim would admit to this. None!

And another:

Twenty-first century Muslims have two options: we can continue the barbaric policies of the seventh century perpetuated by Hassan al-Banna, Abdullah Azzam, Yassir Arafat, Ruhollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, Hizballah, Hamas, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, etc., leading to a global war between Dar al-Islam (Islamic World) and Dar al-Harb (non-Islamic World), or we can reform Islam to keep our rich cultural heritage and to cleanse our religion from the reviled relics of the past.

Yasser Arafat an Islamist? Wow how bloody stupid can these morons possibly be? Arafat was motivated by Palestinian nationalism, not by religion. This ridiculous accusation makes me believe that Zionist neocon jackasses are the ones behind this project. For Hamas, they're dedicated to liberating Palestine, not to impose Islam on others. And as for Hezbollah, I guess defending Lebanon from barbaric attacks by the IDF or building schools and hospitals for the otherwise oppressed and downtrodden Lebanese Shi'a population is considered "barbaric" then I have no clue what else to say of their idiocy.

Do these morons also not understand that those groups and individuals they mentioned was a direct result of U.S. foreign policy from the 50's? Would they be also willing to condemn the brutal occupation of East Timor under the Indonesians supported by the U.S.? Or the Greek junta? Or the support of General Zia-ul-Haq that paved the way for the fanaticism that is evident in Pakistan today? Instead of looking at the root causes and the faults of them, they instead rely on tiresome cliches to win some points with the anti-Muslim neocon crowd. I hate to break it to these morons but you can still be a proud American while admitting the faults of your foreign policy.

I would elaborate more but I think I said my piece on this. Esra'a from MidEastYouth has commented on the suspicious nature of this rather shadowy group and well-respected Muslim writer Ali Eteraz elaborates more on the group's rather interesting origins (where I earlier mentioned the connection with Pamela Gellar) as well.

For reform, there are plenty of other Muslims in Muslim countries who have been pivotal in ushering the next phase of Islamic reform. While these morons are living comfortably in their suburban McMansions in suburban Nebraska (if there is such a thing in that God-forsaken Midwest craphole), Muslim reformers are risking their lives and evading government oppression to help save Islam from the uneducated and power-hungry fanatics.


Anonymous said...

Note they also stated 'Barbaric policies of the seventh century'. References to the Prophet perhaps? He didn't draw the dichotomy of Dar al Islam and Dar al Harb, it was the later jurists around the ninth century or so.
Muslims should never shy away from constructive criticism, which is always a valid tool. Yet there is a distinct difference between constructive criticism and listing all the evils of Islamic history to create a sense of apologetic guilt.

Avi said...

Hamas doens't want to impose Islam on anybody?
From the Hamas Charter:

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

“Islam will enter every house
and will spread over the entire world,”
says Hamas leader Al-Zahar

The Charter quotes an Islamic hadith form the Sahi Bukari which says that the Hour shall not come until every Muslim goes to kill a Jew and when the Jews hide behind rocks, the rocks will scream 'O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come kill him'. Sounds like real tolerant folks, eh?

I notice that you have a COEXIST pic. Should this coexistence be only under the dominationf Islam, with Jews and Christians as dhimmis with no political rights and second-class status? Its amazing how Muslims will hide their hatred and anti-semitism behind the veneer of tolerance and pluralism.

The Anti-Wahhabi said...

"I notice that you have a COEXIST pic. Should this coexistence be only under the dominationf Islam, with Jews and Christians as dhimmis with no political rights and second-class status? Its amazing how Muslims will hide their hatred and anti-semitism behind the veneer of tolerance and pluralism."

It's amazing how idiots like you indulge in pathetic conspiracy theories that fit your narrow-minded worldview. Whatever floats your boat, Shylock.

Unknown said...


we're apostates of islam and even we debunked them

Anonymous said...

"conspiracy theories"

Talk about ignorance.

I suggest you go to a bookstore and order yourself a copy of Guillaume's translation of Sirat Rasul Allah.

Also, check out Bukhari Hadith -

Also, read the damn Qur'an!

Anonymous said...

"Yasser Arafat an Islamist? Wow how bloody stupid can these morons possibly be? Arafat was motivated by Palestinian nationalism, not by religion."

Not as stupid as you - Arafat was motivated by his own personal quest for power - like every other tyrant - like Muhammad (PB&J).

He used Islam (whether he truly felt he was a Muslim or not isn't relevant) and screamed "Jihad" at the top of his voice when he addressed his stooges which makes him an Islamist.

Just because your tolerant version of Islam doesn't sit well with what actually happened and what continues to happen today, doesn't mean it didn't happen/wont continue to happen.

Do yourself a favour and read the Sira.

Anonymous said...

A degenerate who wrote this post must have comprehension problems. We never called Arafuck an Islamist, but this idiot enjoys making stuff up and then bitching about it.

Anonymous said...

"Muslims Against Sharia said...

A degenerate who wrote this post must have comprehension problems. We never called Arafuck an Islamist, but this idiot enjoys making stuff up and then bitching about it."

I think it's you who has the comprehension problems - i never accused you or the blogger of making that statement - perhaps you should re-read my post.

Anonymous said...

I never accused YOU of writing that post either. I wrote "A degenerate who wrote this post", not the comment.

Anonymous said...

Dude, You're an ignorant asshole.

Anonymous said...

"And as for Hezbollah, I guess defending Lebanon from barbaric attacks by the IDF or building schools and hospitals for the otherwise oppressed and downtrodden Lebanese Shi'a population is considered "barbaric""

That is rich.

So I guess firing rockets into Israel until Israel responds (after five years no less), is "defending Lebanon"?

-- Andrew

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't MuslimsAgainstShariah be called (non)muslimsagainstshariah.

They've obviously spent a lot of time and planning on it but I highly doubt they can hoodwink anybody with the slightest intelligence (or without a prior agenda!) at all it's simply too crude.

So basically muslimsagainstshariah wants muslims to not believe in their holy book, excuse every single christian atrocity and generally believe muslims are bad dude.....It's so transparent it's bordering on a joke.

Not to mention that there happens to be a lack of muslims at muslimsagainstshariah which is a little ironic at the least..who exactly are they kidding...

Anonymous said...

"They've obviously spent a lot of time and planning on it but I highly doubt they can hoodwink anybody with the slightest intelligence"

It is rather presumptuous of you to assume that you intelligence rises up to "slightest."

bathmate said...

This is wonderful posting. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

nice link i like it so much. this link is very useful to every body. very nice posting
